Always brightens my day to find a Jew Metal band. Pittsburgh's Teihu have a myspace page with a few tracks. Here's how they describe themselves:
Teihu's distinctive style combines many forms of metal with hints of traditional Hassidic music and concepts. Our unique sound, described by some as "Hassidic Master meets Satan", can be readily appreciated and thrashed to by most every Metal enthusiast. Teihu's lyrics are mainly inspired by the dark side of the esoteric Jewish teachings and traditions, including 17th-20th century Hassidic philosophy and Medieval Jewish Kabbalah. Our twisted interpretation of ancient mysticism can be enjoyed by any Heavy Metal aficionado, regardless of background.
Unfortunately, the demo tracks show little evidence of Hassidic-Metal fusions. As yet the band's music is pretty undisciplined and unfocused. Still, who knows what tomorrow may bring?
First off I have to say nice site. I have been looking around it and really like the concept even though I am not Jewish.
I will have to check you out on myspace and facebook. You deserve a bookmark.
Posted by: Metal Videos | July 05, 2008 at 08:33 PM
i am a jew and i like metal. we need more sites like this. keep up the good work. jew metal!
Posted by: metal jew | April 06, 2009 at 01:25 AM